The examples below are just a few of the near 50 designs I had to rework. They all had to fit on one side of an A5 sheet. In some cases this meant a lot of information had to be crammed in. Despite my reservations for putting so much information into such a small place the sales team insisted that we had to include it all on the one side so that the back could explain how to order online etc.
I feel I have succeeded in making these work together more cohesively but if I could go back id really like to try and persuade them to use A4 Pages. The paper costs would have gone down, they would be much easier to read and not to mention the preview images could have been larger! (This was one of the most common complaints from parents before I got there. I have made them nearly 200% bigger than they were originally they could definitely be bigger still)

Below you can see the difference, before and after I arrived. The original was oriented landscape so it appears bigger but they would be printed at the same size (A5).
